Charzer Mobile App Manuals

How to register a Protected Network Charger

Step 1:

Download the Charzer App from Play Store/ App Store and install it in your mobile phone.

Step 2:

After downloading and login into Charzer App. Use any other QR-code scanner app and scan the registration QR code and
fill out the registration form.

Step 3:

Host will approve the tenants. All the chargers present in your protected network will appear on the Protected Chargers screen

Step 4:

In the Protected Chargers screen, choose a Charger of your choice and make a booking.

Instant Charging using protected Network for society, corporate hubs and corporate offices

Step 1:

Select the Protected Network of your choice.

Step 2:

After clicking on the protected network of your choice, you will be directed to the instant charging screen. Make sure there is enough balance in your wallet for making a booking. Details like socket type, vehicle type will be preselected. You can change them if required.

Step 3:

Click on the duration to select slots. You can reset them if required.

Step 4:

Once you save the slots, you will be redirected to the instant charging screen. Check all the details and click on start charging.

Step 5:

You can view the real time utilisation on the charging screen. You may apply a promo code if any to avail discount. Please press stop charging before disconnecting for safety.

Instant Charging using protected Network for Fleets

Step 1:

Incase of fleets, the user will be directed to the instant charging page. Make sure there is enough balance in your wallet for making a booking. Details like socket type, vehicle type will be preselected. You can change them if required. Add the last four digits of your vehicle number.

Step 2:

Click on the duration to select slots. You can reset them if required.

Step 3:

Once you save the slots, you will be redirected to the instant charging screen. Check all the details and click on start charging.

Step 4:

You can view the real time utilisation on the charging screen. You may apply a promo code if any to avail discount. Please press stop charging before disconnecting for safety.

Scheduled Charging using protected Network for Fleets

Step 1:

Once on the detailed information page, reserve the socket of choice and click on book now.

Step 2:

Select the vehicle to be charged and available slots for charging and click on Book Slot. Press on Reset if you wish to reset the info.

Step 3:

If you don’t have a promo code, move on to the mode of payment. Select the preferred mode and proceed to Pay Now.

Step 4:

On the click of the Review button, get a price breakdown of the booking.

Step 5:

Pay using Wallet or Other online modes of payment. Once the payment is completed, you can start charging your vehicle during the booked time slot.