Interested in installing
a Charging Station
Install a charging station with Charzer and engage with the rapidly
growing EV market. We also set up a charging station/charging
hub at Zero Cost.

Our Partners

Projects Delivered
Charzer’s Technological Edge

Fleet Management Solution (FMS)
Our FMS helps to monitor and maintain your operations effectively

WhatsApp / RFID access
Multiple modes of charging makes it easy for your drivers to operate the charger without training
All types of EV chargers offered
AC Chargers
3.3 kW AC charger for 2/4-wheelers 7.4 kW
AC charger for 4-wheelers (single-gun CCS2)
22 kW AC charger for 4-wheelers (single-gun CCS2)

DC Chargers
30 kW DC charger for 4-wheelers (single-gun CCS2)
60 kW DC charger for 4-wheelers (dual-gun CCS2)
120 kW DC charger for 4-wheelers (dual-gun CCS2)

We build HUBS
We create custom hubs based on Fleet's requirements.
We provide end-to-end services that cover everything from site selection and charging station setup to ongoing maintenance and marketing.